07-03-2015, 10:28 PM
Allow me to introduce myself. I used to have a Minecraft server back in the bukkit days and have been debating weather or not to get back into it. I finally decided to take the plung and start working on one. I have not a lot of experiance. my previous server wasnt too advanced. basic rank plugin and mcmmo, stuff like that. Towards the end of its lifespan I started geting into adding a SQL server for some more indepth stuff but my experience there is minimal. Now that you know abit about where im coming from here are a few of my questions.
1. is there a better forum to post questions in? I couildnt find a "help" section
2. just got MCServer a day ago and any plugin I put in wont load unless I do so manually, is there not a way to have them load on startup?
3. the only permission like file i can find is Ranks.sqlite are there no plugins for this (a quick search brought up no results). do i need to learn how to use sqlite?
4. am i completly blind and there are guides to all this stuff that I cant find?
thanks for your time and thanks in advance. links to any good beginner infor would be much apreciated... im just having som troubles getting the ball rolling post-bukkit
1. is there a better forum to post questions in? I couildnt find a "help" section
2. just got MCServer a day ago and any plugin I put in wont load unless I do so manually, is there not a way to have them load on startup?
3. the only permission like file i can find is Ranks.sqlite are there no plugins for this (a quick search brought up no results). do i need to learn how to use sqlite?
4. am i completly blind and there are guides to all this stuff that I cant find?
thanks for your time and thanks in advance. links to any good beginner infor would be much apreciated... im just having som troubles getting the ball rolling post-bukkit