Performance, Reliability and Plugins
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Cuberite performs quite well compared to Spigot or vanilla. Though we don't have any benchmarks, you can definitely feel a difference. For example when exploring terrain in Creative when using Spigot you feel lag for example with WorldEdit's compass tool, while you get teleported instantly when using Cuberite. This of course is also because the overall architecture is different.

Cuberite will use most of it's CPU power for generating the world, and since this doesn't happen all the time the server is quite CPU friendly. When generating Cuberite uses about 20% of my CPU (I7-4700-MQ) for maybe a second, and then return to 0%. And that is only when generating a full 16x16 area. When moving across a chunk border causing the world to generate it only uses ~3.5% for less then a second.

We already have quite a few plugins. We have our own WorldEdit, Essentials, and Cuberite has Multiworld build-in. If you want to see a plugin you can request it.

We heard about the Windows 10 version, and it would be nice to support that protocol, but it would require quite some work. Also, the Java version will not be abandoned, in case you got that idea. It will still be expanded further.
Thanks given by: Sonorpearl

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RE: Performance, Reliability and Plugins - by NiLSPACE - 07-09-2015, 12:58 AM

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