Turn off Travis push builds
Since we've established the policy that PRs can only be merged after a successful CI build, it makes little sense to have Travis do two builds - one for the Push and one for the actual PR. We could save time if only the PR build was activated.

Is it even possible to set that up? I have no idea where in the project settings to look for this.
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Its a trivial change in the travis settings, but you have to login to travis with your github account to do it. I can also turn off the fixed concurrent build limit now.
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Okay, I turned both off, we'll see what that does Smile
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I've discovered a problem with disabling push builds. Its what we use for coverity builds.
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Any chance of getting it to work without the push builds? Isn't there a setting in .travis.yml to only build specific branches?
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I can only find settings to turn branches off. Still we might be able to turn off every branch except coverity scan.
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An easier solution is to create a PR from the coverity branch and push there from time to time, thus triggering the PR builds instead of the push builds. I've already created the PR, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be working.
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According to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26759...uest-build coverity just won't run on PR builds.
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