Dockercraft - A simple Minecraft Docker client, built using Cuberite !
I just stumbled upon this project made by the Docker team while browsing Github's "Explore" page, and I thought that it was a neat thing. It is a Docker client that uses Minecraft as an interface to manage the virtual machines. So I read the README and I found that it is built using Cuberite. Link:
I think it is pretty amazing that they managed to communicate with Docker from the server, even if they needed to use a hack with the WebTabs to communicate with the plugin
Thanks given by: PCPlayerLV
Actually, i do believe the hack isn't necessary anymore - we do have the network api.
Thanks given by: PCPlayerLV , StephenMub
The webadmin has the added value that it provides HTTP parsing. If the Docker interface is using any form of HTTP, it would mean that they need to re-implement HTTP parsing on top of cNetwork API, which is not a simple task, the webadmin hack would make sense in such a case.
Thanks given by: PCPlayerLV
We could build a cHTTPParser interface which could be used by the webadmin but also by any other plugin using the cNetworkAPI
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It shouldn't be too hard to do in Lua right?
--[[ Request header is something like this:
GET / HTTP/1.0
Other-Stuff: Info for other stuff
More-Stuff: Even more stuff

local Headers = StringSplit(RawRequest:match("^.-\r\n\r\n"), "\n")
local PostInformation = StringSplit(Headers[#Headers], "&"):sub(2) -- Post starts with a question mark.
Thanks given by: PCPlayerLV
Don't forget that the receive calls are asynchronous, you need to cache the response (or leftovers from it) between calls. And you need to know if you're still parsing the headers, or the body.
Thanks given by: PCPlayerLV , Francisdaumb

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