minigame plugin(s)
Update I have created another thread for the the Open Discussion

Hello all,

Awesome work and thank you to all that has gotten cuberite to this current state. I was drawn here from the dockercraft, and seen the troll about the license, and made me want to help with the project. I think the best way I can do it is this way.

I was thinking of doing a plugin that would basically allow a player to setup mini-games arenas. The basic premise we will base off the old "Spleef" game. This game is a raised floor of snowblocks, and lava pit underneath. The players try to knock the snow from under each other until one falls into lava pit, point for one still standing. Then from there it would reset the floor and players count down and continue till the first player reaches 10 or what ever.

What I am thinking that the plugin should basically 10000ft overview allow the user to do is:

1. Choose minigame type, ie /minigame spleef <Winning points>
2. Use wooden axe from worldedit to select area for the spleef game to be played in
3. Then some command to rotate and flip through the Different Schematics Available for the area.
4. Poof spleef ring up and running with a lobby area where players click a button to enter, with command blocks and code to run the game.

Spleef is just one of the minigames that I think would be nice to throw up with a few clicks for all of the fun, without all of the headache of configuration of command blocks etc... I would also like to do something similar to a Tower Defense type game with a twist on the mobs and upgrades..

Is there any interest from the public to have this plugin for their server?

Thanks ,

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Hello and welcome to the forum Smile

Minigames are a big thing in Minecraft for a while now, so we might get some more attention when we get a bit more. I believe we currently have 3 minigames which isn't allot. It might be nice to look at those: MCSmash by DiamondToaster, HungerGames and Paintball by me. If you're going the same way as I did with arena state's I advice you to split up the file a bit. A player management, team management (might not be needed), storage management, etc. Though 600 lines isn't allot normally it would definitely make things more organized.

There are some difficulties with the way you want to set up an arena. Switching/rotating through different schematics would be pretty cool, but could also cause lag (in the client ^^). Especially with the larger arena's. Also, you'll have to detect the arena floor where the player's actually remove the blocks. You might search for a layer containing snow, but what if the whole arena is a snow theme? A simple solution is to make the user define the layer, but that would add an extra step.

I believe the necessary API is there already to make this possible. If you have any questions about the API don't hesitate to ask. Smile
Thanks given by: chrobione
Hi and welcome Smile

definitely yes, i love minigamesBig Grin
at the moment i write another minigame, to learn LUA and the API.
(still top secret, what it is - but let me say: no one had these minigame before - not even bukkit/spigotTongue)
In some days/weeks i will publish it. Some basic features still be missing, but the most things are ready^^
Maybe spleef would be my next project, if no one creates it before...
It would be great, if you do that. Certainly i find other unwritten pluginsBig Grin
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Actually, the version of MCSmash that NiLSPACE listed is very much outdated and a dead project. (Deleted the Github repo to discourage it's use) I'd recommend that you use the 2nd major version which is an entire code rewrite and includes custom kits. Another very much overdue update should be released soon.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
What about creating a base plugin for minigames, that implements basic accounts-, team- and arena-management? Other minigame plugins could take the basic functionality from that plugin and extend it.
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You're talking about some sort of API then? It does sound good to have, might attract other developers if you make it as easy as that.
Using an API you could also get several seperate minigame plugins in the same server/world, and they will all work together with the same teams and such.

I guess this is how most big minigame servers work already, but made by the plugin developers themselves. Using a general API, plugins from different developers could still work together.
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But I'm talking about an API written as a plugin, that takes control over player points/credits and a login
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I understand that Wink I'm saying it sounds good.
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I could possibly make something like that. I've already got a bunch of that stuff already coded in my minigames (inventory, kits, arena management, planning to add leaderboards, etc). I'll probably repurpose it, clean it up a bit, add calls and turn it into some kind of a partial API and have WorldEdit do the schematic switching.
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Wow thanks for all the replies and ideas, sorry work has taking me away for a bit, but I am back.

(12-01-2015, 10:29 AM)DiamondToaster Wrote: I could possibly make something like that. I've already got a bunch of that stuff already coded in my minigames (inventory, kits, arena management, planning to add leaderboards, etc). I'll probably repurpose it, clean it up a bit, add calls and turn it into some kind of a partial API and have WorldEdit do the schematic switching.

Is there anything I can do to help with this?

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