Moved site to new ISP
I apologize for bumping an old thread, but this does look like the best place to ask questions about the MCS website.

Do you plan to keep the current site and wiki? My impression is that the project is trying to migrate and having trouble at it.

Can the wiki be set to registered only? Right now it's open for editing without an account, and you have a few pages like this:

I guess what I'd like to ask is whether or not it would be worthwhile for me to try cleaning up some of the links on the wiki and removing the blatantly unrelated pages.

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We were having some trouble migrating, but things should be working now. Unfortunately some of the old links don't work anymore - the wiki has moved its base address, and so has the old issue tracker. Both of those are deprecated and kept only for their informational value - the wiki has the only information on all the world generator settings, and the issue tracker contains issues not yet migrated to the GitHub issue tracker.

True that both of those sub-sites could use setting them to read-only
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Ok, if it's just being kept for reference I'll wait to upload notes to the wiki.

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If i can make you guys an offer to run this website on a VPS Server hosted by FusionCare Web Developement (64gb Ram / 1000mbit connection) Please let me know.

More information PM me
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I think it's running fine on it's own at the moment, and only costs FakeTruth a dollar or two a month.
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@bearbin, its just an offer, its free since already running it for our 150 other websites Smile
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Thanks a lot for the offer! But I have to decline...
No offense, but out of experience I know it's a bad idea to put hosting in the hands of someone who is not directly involved with the projectTongue
I hope you understand
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