Connection stability
Is there something one can do to improve the connection between other players and the server? Locally, this is a non-issue, I can connect once and stay connected indefinitely. My Internet connection seems to be really well suited for a whole lot of other applications and games, the router shows an above average quality of the connection to my ISP, and there are hardly if ever timeouts or packet drops.


From the outside, when players connect to my Minecraft server, for at least three months now, there have been severe connection issues. The chance of a player connecting and suffocating, because the chunk their are in, is being loaded too slowly, is almost 50/50 now! This is not acceptable, and this used to work a whole lot better in the past. I'd even go so far and say that the chunk loading performance of a 1 year old mcserver build is by far superior to what we have now, at least on a Raspberry Pi 2 or 3. Mind you, that's just my observation and might not actually be a fact. But it's something that's really hampering the enjoyment of the players connecting to my server, far and wide. 

Let me show you something. This is what it looks like when I connect and play on the server.

[13:53:44] User Jammet authenticated with UUID 5644c5e4e7694fcb8908e56cdcc2d2cd
[13:53:44] Player Jammet has joined the game
[16:11:04] Player Jammet has left the game

And this is what it looked like, when a typical connection is made from outside this LAN, these months.

[12:32:27] User Vilerox authenticated with UUID 05b97ad0dab14a779dd7b7b0bb2b298f
[12:32:27] Player data file not found for Vilerox (05b97ad0dab14a779dd7b7b0bb2b298f, offline 8723e6d43f91350482de0013b18b70f5 (unused)), will be reset to defaults.
[12:32:27] Player Vilerox has joined the game
[12:33:46] Player Vilerox has left the game
[12:41:07] User Vilerox authenticated with UUID 05b97ad0dab14a779dd7b7b0bb2b298f
[12:41:07] Player Vilerox has joined the game
[12:42:54] Player Vilerox has left the game
[12:46:33] User Vilerox authenticated with UUID 05b97ad0dab14a779dd7b7b0bb2b298f
[12:46:33] Player Vilerox has joined the game
[12:46:44] Player Vilerox has left the game
[12:47:48] User Vilerox authenticated with UUID 05b97ad0dab14a779dd7b7b0bb2b298f
[12:47:48] Player Vilerox has joined the game
[12:48:23] Player Vilerox has left the game
[12:49:25] User Vilerox authenticated with UUID 05b97ad0dab14a779dd7b7b0bb2b298f
[12:49:25] Player Vilerox has joined the game

Yes, that's absolutely representative. And those players die. A lot. Less than half an hour play time, instable connections, multiple connection beakoffs, extreme lag. Is there *anything* I can do to improve this on my end? The server isn't using wireless or anything, and it used to be a whole lot better than this.
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I have no idea why this has gotten worse, but I'll work on fixing #2964 asap. This will not fix your root problem, but at least it should prevent suffocation.
Thanks given by: Jammet , Schwertspize
(03-26-2016, 11:24 PM)LogicParrot Wrote: I have no idea why this has gotten worse, but I'll work on fixing #2964 asap. This will not fix your root problem, but at least it should prevent suffocation.

This will help a great deal, because then, it doesn't matter if people need to wait. They can wait, the chunk will eventually be there. <3
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Experimental binaries that properly freeze the player till chunk load can be found here:

If possible, please test and report back.
Thanks given by: Jammet
I'm seeing this only until after the fact Wink. So yes, I adore that build! Beautiful! The only reason I'm not still using it is because it's really huge and slow, but damn, yes, yes, indeed, this is a vast improvement, and never *ever* would players be at a loss when travelling through nether gates, or flying fast, or even just connecting normally! Smile This is going to make everyone's playing experience on a lower power server so much better!
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I'm glad it's working well Smile

@bearbin: Any idea why the builds of the ingame-testing-branch are huge?

Edit: It's because they are debug builds. This is normal.
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