Mysterious message
Okay, so I've just noticed that you can cause a disconnect from the server by destroying vines randomly. It wasn't possible before to destroy hanging vines before, so something might have changed about that very recently. Now I can do that, and once I do, I get disconnected with 10 second delay or so. Reconnected, twice, did it again... then this.

Also, this appeared later in the message log:

*** Error in `./Cuberite': malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted: 0x605c1b70 ***
[17:30:21] Player Jammet has joined the game
[17:32:32] Player Jammet has left the game
[17:42:19] Player Jammet has left the game
*** Error in `./Cuberite': malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted: 0x605c1b70 ***
[17:43:19] Deadlock detected, aborting the server
[17:43:19] D: | Cuberite has encountered an error and needs to close
[17:43:19] Details | SIGABRT: Server self-terminated due to an internal fault
[17:43:19] Cuberite Jenkins gcc armhf Release (master) build id: #400
[17:43:19] from commit id: 39144480f588b60c246fbe0451b8002eaa6a0797 built at: Thu 3 Mar 16:39:07 CET 2016
./ line 1: 4667 Aborted ./Cuberite
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Well, segmentation fault somewhere. You appear to have left the game twice, which is curious.
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Yes, the game disconnected me immediately when I destroyed vines. When I reconncted, I saw my character still there, unmoving. Later all the accumulated dead connections were purged.
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