How do I add crafting and furnace recipes?
I'm checking out Cuberite for a custom server I want to start. I'm a Java plugin developer for Spigot, so this is quite a change. I'm looking for a way to add and remove furnace and crafting recipes. I couldn't find it in the docs and the information on the forums is very fragmented and confusing.

Thanks for your help!
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Hello and welcome to the Forum Smile

Cuberite has every furnace-, crafting- and brewing-recipe inside it's own text file. There is a crafting.txt, a furnace.txt as well as a brewing.txt in the 'Server' directory of the git repo. I think @NiLSPACE can tell you more about the documentation.
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We should probably have a section in the book for explaining the recipe file format.
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We do have documentation about the crafting.txt file. It's at the top of the file itself: If you want to use this method then you might like to take a look at my CraftMaker plugin. It's a plugin that allows people to create their own recipes by simply drawing them in a 3x3 grid.

If you want to remove a recipe as a plugin you'll have to use the OnPreCrafting hook. If you want to modify a recipe you'll have you have to use the OnPostCrafting hook. In case you want to add new recipes you'll have to use OnCraftingNoRecipe
Thanks given by: LogicParrot
PLUGIN = nil

recipes = {}

function Initialize(Plugin)

    -- Hooks
    -- cPluginManager.AddHook(cPluginManager.<hook>, <function>)
    cPluginManager.AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_CRAFTING_NO_RECIPE, OnCraftingNoRecipe)
    cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_POST_CRAFTING, OnPostCrafting);

    PLUGIN = Plugin

    -- Command Bindings
    -- cPluginManager.BindCommand("/<command>", "<permission>", <function>, "<desc>")

    table.insert(recipes, {{265, 264, 265, 265, -1, 265, 265, 265, 265}, makeItem(61, "§rEnhanced Furnace")})

    LOG("Initialised " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion())
    return true

function OnDisable()
    LOG(PLUGIN:GetName() .. " is shutting down...")

function OnCraftingNoRecipe(Player, Grid, Recipe)
    r = getRecipe(Grid)
    if r == nil then return end
    return true

function OnPostCrafting(Player, Grid, Recipe)
    if getRecipe(Grid) ~= nil then Recipe:ConsumeIngredients(Grid) end

function getRecipe(Grid)
    items = {}
    table.insert(items, Grid:GetItem(0, 0).m_ItemType)
    table.insert(items, Grid:GetItem(1, 0).m_ItemType)
    table.insert(items, Grid:GetItem(2, 0).m_ItemType)
    table.insert(items, Grid:GetItem(0, 1).m_ItemType)
    table.insert(items, Grid:GetItem(1, 1).m_ItemType)
    table.insert(items, Grid:GetItem(2, 1).m_ItemType)
    table.insert(items, Grid:GetItem(0, 2).m_ItemType)
    table.insert(items, Grid:GetItem(1, 2).m_ItemType)
    table.insert(items, Grid:GetItem(2, 2).m_ItemType)

    for k,v in pairs(recipes) do
        if arrayEquals(items, v[1]) then
            return v[2]

    return nil

function makeItem(Type, Name)
    i = cItem(Type)
    i.m_CustomName = Name
    return i

function arrayEquals(ArrayOne, ArrayTwo)
    if #ArrayOne ~= #ArrayTwo then return false end
    for k,v in pairs(ArrayOne) do
        if ArrayTwo[k] ~= v then return false end
    return true
This is what I have figured out so far for adding a new recipe. It works fine, except when I craft the item the ingredients aren't deleted. How do I fix this?
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This is a known bug: I think that there is a missing packet update
I also tried it to fix a few times...
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