Players Inventory
How do you populate the players inventory? I've tried by editing the file players\<playername>.json but that doesn't seem right... and they only work temporary when used...
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Well, that should work actually.

But what do you mean? Do you want to give players items by using a plugin?
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Any Items would be great. Right now Inventory is completely empty and I want to remedy that.

When I did change values in <playername>.json the items would appear in the Inventory but when used they would disappear (not from the inventory but from the world).
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Just chat "/i itemname" like "/i cobblestone" and you'll get that item :O

I don't understand what you mean by the item disappears. When you use an item it Minecraft it's normal that the item disappears from your inventory and is placed in the world.
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Sorry but I cant get /i itemname to work. It just prints "/i cobblestone" on the screen as if it were a message to the other players... Am I missing a plugin? I've got Core and MagicCarpet loaded according to /pluginlist.

I've been able to get dirt and lava by changing the .json-file. If I create a block of these in the world they appear but after approx 5 secs they disappear again. If I step in the lava I burn...
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But the reason /i does not work is most likely because you do not have permission to use it. You should make yourself admin on the server
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(01-25-2012, 02:21 AM)FakeTruth Wrote: Odd..

But the reason /i does not work is most likely because you do not have permission to use it. You should make yourself admin on the server
Yeah, that helps... I didn't setup groups.ini prior to connecting through the mc-client...

Is it possible to populate the inventory automatically for newcomers? I don't want to administrate within mc, only the server-side of things...

(I'm not building the server for myself but for my daughter and I just want to keep things as simple as possible from an administrative point of view..)
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This is possible by using a plugin that adds items to a player's inventory on connect

Put this code
    local NewItem = cItem( ItemID, ItemAmount, ItemMeta )
    Player:GetInventory():AddItem( NewItem )

In this hook

And it should work :O If you want I can create this plugin for you
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(01-27-2012, 03:05 AM)FakeTruth Wrote: If you want I can create this plugin for you
That would be awesome if you would do that!! Smile

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Extract this file into your Plugins directory (including the SpawnWithItems directory)

.zip (Size: 717 bytes / Downloads: 308)

Open settings.ini and add NewPlugin=SpawnWithItems in the Plugins header, so it looks something like this

It's important that you grab the latest version of MCServer, since this plugin only works with the latest version
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