Adding Generator For Single Prefab Structures
There is no menu item at all for the GalExport plugin
[Image: OdGZ55r.png]
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Ah, you need proper configuration for the GalExport's web interface to appear. I think there should be a message in the log about it, when starting the server.
You should have a GalExport.example.cfg file next to the server that has an example config. This is my config, use it as basis for yours:
Config =
	CommandPrefix = "/ge",
	ExportFolder = "GalExports",
	ExportLineEnds = "\r\n",
	WebPreview =
		ThumbnailFolder = "GalExportWeb",
		MCSchematicToPng =
			HostName = "blackbox",
			Port = 9998,
		MCSchematicToPngPort = 9999,
Note that you need the WebPreview secvtion to enable the web handling, and for that, you need the MCSchematicToPng daemon to be running somewhere accessible.
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Ok now it works. The MCSchematicToPng server is actually need. Now I see everything. Thanks
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The generator works now.
May I make the prefabs ready for export on the Galery Server?
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Are you reusing existing areas? Are they already approved? If so, clone a copy first.
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Quote:Are you reusing existing areas?

Sometimes - already did a clone because a block wasn't vanilla
The other ones I build myself

Quote:Are they already approved?

None of them
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for some i need the backup to experiment with the metadata to make it work

Gonna do this tomorrow so no hurry
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Avaiable Pool Metadata:

  • GridSizeX
    - Numeric Value: every n blocks in X direction the structure is placed
  • GridSizeZ
    - Numeric Value: every n blocks in Z direction the structure is placed
  • MaxDepth
    - Numeric Value: Maximum depth of recursion while placing the structure (limits the size of composed structures)
  • MaxOffsetX
    - Numeric Value: Maximum X deviation fromĀ  the position resulting from GridSizeX
  • MaxOffsetZ
    - Numeric Value: Maximum Z deviation fromĀ  the position resulting from GridSizeZ
  • MaxStructureSizeX
    - Numeric Value: Maximum size of the structure in X direction
  • MaxStructureSizeZ
    - Numeric Value: Maximum size of the structure in Z direction
  • SeedOffset
    - Numeric Value: a Value to add to the seed provided to generation (modifies the generation for every structure)
  • AllowedBiomes
    - list of all allowed biomes as strings and comma seperated
  • AllowedRotations
    - Numeric Value
  • IsStarting
    - NumericBool (0,1): defines if the piece is a starting piece

Village specific Pool data: (quite self explainatory)

  • MaxDensity
  • MinDensity
  • VillageRoadBlockType
  • VillageRoadBlockMeta
  • VillageWaterRoadBlockType
  • VillageWaterRoadBlockMeta
Avaiable Piece Metadata:

  • AddWeightIfSame
  • DefaultWeight
  • DepthWeight
  • MergeStrategy
    - msOverwrite
    - msFillAir
    - msImprint
    - msLake
    - msSpongePrint
    - msDifference
    - msSimpleCompare
    - msMask
  • MoveToGround
    - NumericBool (0,1)
  • VerticalLimit (Sets the maximum value for y position)
    - "", none
    - Above
    - AboveTerrain
    - AboveTerrainAndOcean- Below- BelowTerrain- BelowTerrainOrOcean
  • VerticalStrategy
    - Fixed ("Fixed|NumericValue")
    - Range ("Range|LowNumericValue|HighNumericValue")
    - TerrainTop ("|LowNumericValue|RangeLimitNumericValue") the LowNumericValue describes the offset to terrain top. And RangeLimitNumericValue describes the possible range the object may be placed in. Positive values over Terrain. Negative below.
    - TerrainOrOceanTop ("|NumericValue|RangeLimitNumericValue") the NumericValue describes the offset to terrain top. And RangeLimitNumericValue describes the possible range the object may be placed in.Positive values over Terrain. Negative below.
  • ExpandFloorStrategyy (names are self explainatory)
    - RepeatBottomTillNonAir
    - RepeatBottomTillSolid (Note: Plants and so on are not overwritten)
    - none
  • ShouldExpandFloor
    - Numeric Bool (0,1)
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How are we gonna do this with the prefabs?
Do I commit them? Do I send you the metadata to export them?
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Great work with the metadata, we should definitely collect that somewhere in the DevDocs, and keep it updated.

With the prefabs, I guess it's easiest for you to send me the list of the prefabs and their metadata (possibly as exported cubeset files, I can read that Smile
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