Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
You need to set the MCServer as the startup project - right-click it and choose Set as Startup Project from the menu:
[Image: vs2013_set_as_startup_project.png]
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Thanks it starts now. The only problem I have now is that it doesn't seem to have permission to have read/write access or it's on a really weird location without any files.
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Hmm weird. I got the debugger to load the BiomalNoise3D generator, but I don't get those huge mountains and stuff there, and thus I don't get a crash.
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I don't think this stacktrace is going to help much:
    MCServer_debug.exe!cBlockArea::Clear() Line 298    C++
    MCServer_debug.exe!cBlockArea::~cBlockArea() Line 290    C++
    MCServer_debug.exe!cChunkDesc::~cChunkDesc() Line 41    C++
    MCServer_debug.exe!cChunkGenerator::DoGenerate(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) Line 301    C++
    MCServer_debug.exe!cChunkGenerator::Execute() Line 277    C++
    MCServer_debug.exe!cIsThread::thrExecute(void * a_Param) Line 78    C++
    [External Code]
But I have a feeling it has something to do with a finisher, because I've only noticed the crash with Taiga.
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Ok I think I found the problem. The TallGrass generator tries to generate above 256 which causes it to crash.
Thanks given by: sphinxc0re , xoft
[Image: 5b9e66597c.jpg]
case biForest:           a_HeightAmp = 0.27f;  a_MidPoint = 62; break;
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Isn't that a bit too mild for a forest? I'd have expected a bit more hills.
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Then how about this:
[Image: cdad45141b.jpg]
case biForest:           a_HeightAmp = 0.23f;  a_MidPoint = 62; break;
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Is the water at the bottom part of the forest biome? If so, we might want to bring it up a block, forest normally doesn't have water in it, except for explicit water lakes.
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Yes that is also part of the forest biome. I guess setting a_MidPoint to 63 or 64 should do the trick?
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