Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
when you are finished with the 1.3.2 protocol, can you maybe think about making the DistortedVoronoiCellSize per biome? that way you can make the ocean biomes much bigger than the other biomes
Thanks given by: Taugeshtu
That is unfortunately not possible, because the cell size is the parameter that decides *all* biome sizes together and there is technically no way to make it "larger" for one biome.

What is possible, though, and even in the current code, is to have *more* of one biome by specifying it several times in the DistortedVoronoiBiomes string. For example, if you specify
You should end up with an approximate 3:1 ratio of ocean to jungle.

Distorted voronoi is not the ideal algorithm for generating biomes. We'll hopefully get a newer one one day, better, with beaches and true mushroom islands and no tundra next to a desert Wink
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can you add dungeons? so that we can obtain melon seeds Smile and since nobody did can you take a look at my cactus finisher patch? i think there are too many cactusses spawning. and with the
Quote: DistortedVoronoiBiomes=Ocean,Ocean,Ocean,Jungle
thanks that workedBig Grin
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Dungeons are not likely in the near future. There's a lot of other higher-priority work, we don't have spawners yet, and I've had enough of terrain generator for some timeTongue
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(09-21-2012, 05:33 AM)xoft Wrote: and I've had enough of terrain generator for some timeTongue
yes i understand why xD

(09-21-2012, 05:33 AM)xoft Wrote: we don't have spawners yet.
doesn't have to have spawners. if it only has a chest with stuff in itTongue
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Well you could do that yourself, can't you? There's even two ways now - either as a structure generator, or as a plugin. Both should have sufficient resources available to do the job.

But first you'd need to do a bit of a research - how common are the dungeons? How many per chunk should the generator make? Is there a height distribution function / limit?
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Quote:how common are the dungeons? How many per chunk should the generator make? Is there a height distribution function / limit?
OR he could just make it all setable (which is better, imo) and let server admins fine-tune those values until they're happy.

I doubt though it worth implementing right now. If xoft will eventually make schematics files readable and schematics themselves placeable (it could be even callable via plugins API!) - such a plugin could be done waaaay more easy. But still, I have no idea when and even if schematics will be implemented, so making dungeons plugin right now could worth it Smile
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i realy don't know how to code Sad if i could i would already tried to make a new sand/gravel simulator. all i did with those patches is copie some code from here and there. :S
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Settable still means you need a reasonable default Wink

One could probably just make a program that loads a vanilla-generated world, walks all the chunks and counts all the spawners that spawn zombies, skeletons and regular spiders. That way we'd have a good-enough approximate of the ratio.
I'm still hoping that R-T-B will chime in here and do the schematics stuff. Smile
Thanks given by: bearbin
Quote:One could probably just make a program
One could even do it via MCS pluginBig Grin
Sounds like a fun stuff. I'll probably handle it tomorrow (stats calculation, not dungeons)
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