Random Chitchat 2012-2016
I can confirm that I don't get freeze with r811. Great! Smile

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I feel like making "chest shop" tonight.
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Great Smile
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Still broken for me, but in the other way. Now client firstly disconnects with IndexOutOfBoundsException. Sometimes it connects and spawns "too far away" (successfully anyway), and I can see myself standing where I supposed to be with previous attempt.

I think it's world-dependent, will upload mine in a moment.

[edit] https://dl.dropbox.com/u/29021761/MCServer.7z

Complete this with default files and try to login as 'l0ud'.
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1.3.2 is weird. It behaves too chaotically. I compiled, ran the server and the client timed out. I restarted the server and I managed to log in and get spawned, even saw some chunks, before getting kicked for an unknown packet. The same server code can produce two such different scenarios...
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Currently I can login with 1.3.2 and spawn in the world and walk around, BUT only if my world is FlatHeight and SameBlock, that is, the minimum compressed data. When I enable the normal generators, I get all sorts of random errors while downloading terrain Sad
Also, it seems that the client has some weird behavior while sending BlockPlace packets, sometimes it seems to send more data, sometimes less...
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There's just no way I can do this like this. I need a MC protocol proxy. Since there is no such tool with 1.3.2 support, I'm starting one, right in MCServer's svn repository.
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Are you sure the encryption library outputs the correct encryption?Tongue
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No idea, but I suppose it does, because I *can* get through with the simple world. It shouldn't even be a multithreading-related issue, since a CS is locked prior to using the crypto lib's encryptor and decryptor.

If it is a problem in the crypto library, we'll see it because it will fail the MITM attack on the protocol that I'm writing into the proxy.
I committed my current WIP 1.3.2 protocol to the svn, so that anyone can have a look at it.

There's a commented-out MilliSleep in cProtocol132::SendChunkData(); uncommenting it sometimes makes the client accept even the good world, but eventually the connection lags too much behind and the client times out.
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minecraft 1.3.2 completly works for me now on MC-Server. the only thing that is maybe wrong is when i log in i get: Player "STR_Warrior: sent a weird position confirmation 66.10 blocks away, retrying. but i spawn normaly with the biomal world generationBig Grin used R823
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Weird, it seems to work for some, for others it doesn't. FakeTruth said it worked for him for a while, but then, without doing anything, the server kicked the client.

Anyway, I got the protocol proxy working, at least the basic stuff, so now I can see even the encrypted data that flows between the official server and the client. I'll add some packet parsing tomorrow.
It works only for an offline server, though. I don't mind Smile
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