Random Chitchat 2012-2016
Lucky you Smile Where to?
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Terschelling. It's a Dutch island where we go to almost every year Smile
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@STR_Warrior nice.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Enjoy your vacation Smile And don't forget how to code while lying on the beach.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Oh, WECUI got updated to 1.7.10. Thanks to AntherusCraft for letting me know Smile
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Why BSD forked openSSL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnBbhXBDmwU. The code base is horrific. Did you know that openSSL had untested support for big-endian on x86_64. Or worked to the lowest compatabilty possible, i.e. doing 17 deep #ifdef because some old borland prepressors couldn't handle #ifdef #elseif chains beyond a certain length. And has source files that just don't compile but were nearly removed from the build not the source tree. And memory leaks because no-one has ever run valgrind on it because it has several (not one) custom malloc implementations rather than using system malloc.
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My 2nd computer hard drive started to fail, and for precaution took my usb and installed an OS inside.
Now i'm using lubuntu loaded from an usb Sad (But it doesn't work that bad)
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Haha, no problem xoft^^ you should defently fix the "unable to locate sign" by now, i reset all the unused galleries (like 15 or so) and they all had signs... And all the signs can't be locatedBig Grin
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Have a char a limit for the size?
Because i will uncompress the chunk data but it doesn't work.
int UncompressedMaxSize = DataLength - (DataLength << 12) - (DataLength << 14) - (DataLength << 25) - 16;
char Output [UncompressedMaxSize];

My program crash when i make the char.
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Yes, chars have a limit.
It cannot be more than the free memory in your computer, or be negative Wink
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