Random Chitchat 2012-2016
Well, that's what you get for decompilingTongue

Luckily we're in the clear in this area. And this is why we don't copy code from decompiled Vanilla into MCS, @Howaner Smile
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
We got a few more photos from the wedding; these are better than before Smile
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I especialy like this one. You two look great together Smile
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I am at a loss for an appropriate meme.

About Bukkit, I am tempted to post a link on that thread directing here... Don't think it will be well received though. :P
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Don't. MCS is not yet ready to be a bukkit replacement. Their devs might go looking for us, if they're smart, so we might benefit from that, but we can't risk ruining our reputation by revealing ourselves too soon.
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One thing I'm missing in VS2013 is the right margin. It seems it's only available as a 3rd party extension, which doesn't work in the Express versions Sad
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1.8 is comming soon™
I think we can't have 1.7.x ans 1.8 support that easily, because of all that changes with blocks and meta. *sad*
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Enchantment table will no longer work in MCS Sad
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Hello from Crete, Greece Smile
[Image: crete1.jpg][Image: crete2.jpg]
Thanks given by: jimmis98
Wow that looks great :O Have fun thereBig Grin
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