Random Chitchat 2012-2016
Glowstone is pretty new, so it's no wonder that MCServer is ahead of it. I wouldn't call it "shit" either, because just creating some kind of protocol that the client can connect to is hard enough Wink
Thanks given by: tonibm19
Fuuu, what an end of week. Spent over 13 hours at work on both Thursday and Friday. I hate release preparations, with the pre-release hurryTongue And I'm on call duty over the weekend, so I can't go out of town. Sometimes I hate my job...
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Привет, ребята! Не могли бы вы рассказать как проходят дела с mcserver? в каком направлении идет разработка? Какие планы на будущее?
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Although some of us do understand a little Russian, it would be good manners to at least include the English translation along with your message.

Right now my plan is to upgrade the terrain generator, I have some ideas that I think could work really well, unfortunately I haven't had time to code for the last few days. Hopefully it'll be better from now on.
Thanks given by: ambushed01 , NiLSPACE
I found a bunch of MCServer logos that were gathering dust on my server
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Those are great, but unless we get the proper license, we can't really use them Sad
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License? They were given to me when MCServer was still closed source. Not to mention I've been using it for years. As far as I'm concerned I own the logo's and they may be used for MCServer
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Still, they were given to you for a specific purpose, and unless the artist agrees with it, you cannot use those for different purposes. So yes, we may use them for the forum and for the webpage (I guess), but you can't print them on a T-shirt. Believe me, I almost went to jail for copyright reasonsTongue It's not worth it.
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Now I want a T-Shirt of thisBig Grin
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Oh I want a mc-server themed T-shirt, but I want one that has "I write my own mc-server"Tongue
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