Random Chitchat 2012-2016
(10-22-2015, 01:03 AM)missingchar Wrote: The new cuberite.org design will be online any minute now.Big Grin

Can we get rid of the Wiki button in the homepage till someone actually starts maintaining it? It's out of date and will just confuse people. Some out of date stuff:
  • Article: Compiling
  • Article: AI
  • Article: Plugin
  • Namechange to CUberite
  • Possiblly more articles, I haven't checked them all
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Github appears to be under a DDOS attack.
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I started banning people who have weird signatures with weird URL's today.. and whoah there are so many! Just look at the member list page, the first page is almost completely filled with people I banned. FakeTruth!! please contact your host so we can enable email activation again!!!
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I got a freeBSD droplet on Digitalocean. How can I connect it to the buildserver?
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Does anyone know who maintains the Twitter profile? https://twitter.com/cuberiteproject

(10-22-2015, 03:39 PM)Safwat Wrote: Can we get rid of the Wiki button in the homepage till someone actually starts maintaining it?
The Wiki link will be removed as soon as the pull request for the change is merged.
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I want to include the Info.lua in plugin SkyBlock. Is it allowed to have the lua files with the command handlers in a own folder? Because I get the error that the handlers are invalid. If I copy the files into the root of the plugin then it works.
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You'll have to load the folder manually. Look at the WorldEdit plugin, i created a 'dofolder' function there.
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(10-25-2015, 06:58 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: You'll have to load the folder manually. Look at the WorldEdit plugin, i created a 'dofolder' function there.

Well I have my lua files already in folders and I load them all


Edit: Code to load the files

function LoadLuaFiles()
	local folders =  { "/code", "/code/classes", "/code/commands" }

	for _, folder in pairs(folders) do
		local files = cFile:GetFolderContents(PLUGIN:GetLocalFolder() .. folder)
		if (#files > 2) then
			for _, file in pairs(files) do
				if (string.sub(file, #file -3, #file) == ".lua") then
					dofile(PLUGIN:GetLocalFolder() .. folder .. "/" .. file)
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I'm not really following you here. What is the problem exactly?
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I have pushed the branch with the Info.lua to github.

The plugin SkyBlock works and every lua file gets loaded.

My problem is that the function RegisterPluginInfoCommands can not find the functions for the subcommands like CommandSkyBlockPlay.

It throws that error
[12:35:38] SkyBlock: Invalid handler for command /skyblock play, command will not be registered.

The functions are in the file cmd_SkyBlock.lua in folder code/commands/

If I copy the file cmd_SkyBlock.lua into the root folder of the plugin, where the Info.lua is, everything works.
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