Random Chitchat 2012-2016
(01-12-2016, 06:54 AM)DiamondToaster Wrote:
(01-12-2016, 06:12 AM)tonibm19 Wrote: For a plugin I use the AddSpeedY() function and it works (player gets up like a rocket as I want) but then the speed is the same. If a mob hits the player he's punched up a lot, just like if I run my command which uses AddSpeedY().
Any way to make it work like gravity so when the player returns on the ground it gets to normal speed? Or do i need an sheduletask or something like that to return speed back to normal.

I get the same problem with some of my plugins. I just assumed that it was due to my crappy coding. Tongue

Generalised comment: the physics system is not great at present.

(01-12-2016, 06:43 AM)DiamondToaster Wrote: Wow. Java 9 Snapshot, I'm impressed. Hitting 1000+ FPS vanilla.

Damn. They're closing the interpreted/compiled performance gap fast.

xoft, ESET writes better software, right? https://code.google.com/p/google-securit...ail?id=693
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Yeah, our software is a bit better, although we did have some of those google-security-research incidents, too. Not that ridiculous, though.

I don't think it's the interpreted/compiled gap, it must be new optimizations to the display routines. It also depends very much on the world and direction you're looking. On my old laptop I get like 10 times slowdown when looking forward, compared to looking straight down. And I once wrote a world generator in Cuberite that brought any client to its knees, because the world was unoptimizable.
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Any client? Challenge accepted! Big Grin Something worse than the Far Lands would be interesting to see.
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@xoft do you know the ~date? AFAIK git has a history and we could download old versions in Vanilla client...
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The code didn't make it to the repo, quite understandably. It was when I was testing out various terrain height generators and had them output some test values into the world. I managed to make a more-or-less "50% gray" - every other block was set to stone, the rest was air. There were so many polygons that the client cannot fit them into the available memory, let alone render. I suppose modern client could have some optimizations to prevent a crash in this situation, thanks to occlusion culling; for such a case, a similar pattern, but less dense, should still do the trick.

It should be rather easy to write such a generator as a plugin, if you really want to test that.
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Something similar to SethBling's SkyGrid map, just a bit denser.
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Looks like Microsoft just put their Javascript engine online: https://github.com/Microsoft/Chakracore
Thanks given by: MCFreak999
(01-13-2016, 06:33 AM)DiamondToaster Wrote: Any client? Challenge accepted! Big Grin Something worse than the Far Lands would be interesting to see.

I thought the farlands were pretty kewl, in 1.7 beta. But anyways, your opinionTongue
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Sister is getting married tomorrow, the frenetic chaos levels are rising...
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Yesterday, first time ever, I got compilation issues and it seems to be gcc itself. I'm on Ubuntu and using gcc-5.1 (after trying 4.9)

On another machine it compiles just normal
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