Random Chitchat 2012-2016
Ah, you're using POST method, that one doesn't support params in the URL. Either use GET, or wrap the params into a POST reuqest data properly (<form> HTML element)
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Is there a reason why we're disabling GET variables in a POST? It makes this all a whole lot more complicated. Anyone coming from web development would probably find it confusing.

Also, I'm not getting any parameters. Not even my POST values. I'm not using a form, but instead use an AJAX request.
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There would be no way to distinguish between parameters coming in from the URL and those coming from the POST body. I'm no longer sure what the HTTP standard says, if it says anything at all.

In order for the params to be parsed, you need the correct Content-type - "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data" (see HTTP/HTTPFormParser.cpp for the implementation)

Anyway, you could still use the cUrlParser to parse the params out of the URL yourself, although this is needlessly difficult.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
We could simply add a constant for every method.
Request.(RAW)POST (RAW is useful when if you want to send json or xml.

All other methods have the raw data send in the request body.
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The DigitalOcean installation server is still on one of @bearbins private servers. Should we change that
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I'm actually thinking of shutting it down, nobody is using it anymore and I think the code behind it is broken.
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Would anybody be opposed to me just turning it off?
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No problem here Smile

Also: Holy crap, I've reached 10 months on being active on the forum :O
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@bearbin shut it down!
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