Random Chitchat 2012-2016
wow i think it looks nice Smile
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Lookin good man!
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Damn, as usual, as soon as I buy something, a few days later I find a much better alternative that I would've liked. I almost regret ordering that Raspberry Pi, now that I see this little thing:

It seems the hardware specs are good enough to run MCServer on that thing Smile
FakeTruth, this might be actually a good reason for you to try compiling MCServer for Android Wink
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(07-28-2012, 06:18 PM)xoft Wrote: Damn, as usual, as soon as I buy something, a few days later I find a much better alternative that I would've liked. I almost regret ordering that Raspberry Pi, now that I see this little thing:
The Raspberry Pi was cool when it was announced (when was it? 2 years ago or something? O_o) but right now it's already overpriced IMO xD (for what it can actually do)

(07-28-2012, 06:18 PM)xoft Wrote: It seems the hardware specs are good enough to run MCServer on that thing Smile
FakeTruth, this might be actually a good reason for you to try compiling MCServer for Android Wink
I'll see if I can motivate myself to do thatTongue
I think it needs the old makefile, but I'm not sure
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I think the Andoid NDK toolchain uses GCC so it probably uses GNUmake, too. Then it should be compatible with GNUmakefile.
It might be about time we get some refactoring in cRoot, allowing it to be used as a piece of library, so that we can build GUIs around it - be it Android or WinAPI. So we'd want the logger to be substitutable, server command messages to be enterable via a cRoot function asynchronously, maybe even some callbacks on players connected, memory used etc.
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Yes it uses GCC, but I think the makefiles are slightly different than then MCServer ones. This is a makefile I use to compile for Android

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := my_module

    app-android.cpp \

#    **** BOX2D ****
    Box2D/Dynamics/Joints/b2WeldJoint.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Joints/b2RevoluteJoint.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Joints/b2PulleyJoint.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Joints/b2PrismaticJoint.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Joints/b2MouseJoint.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Joints/b2LineJoint.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Joints/b2Joint.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Joints/b2GearJoint.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Joints/b2FrictionJoint.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Joints/b2DistanceJoint.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Contacts/b2TOISolver.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Contacts/b2PolygonContact.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Contacts/b2PolygonAndCircleContact.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Contacts/b2ContactSolver.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Contacts/b2Contact.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/Contacts/b2CircleContact.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/b2WorldCallbacks.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/b2World.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/b2Island.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/b2Fixture.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/b2ContactManager.cpp \
    Box2D/Dynamics/b2Body.cpp \
    Box2D/Common/b2StackAllocator.cpp \
    Box2D/Common/b2Settings.cpp \
    Box2D/Common/b2Math.cpp \
    Box2D/Common/b2BlockAllocator.cpp \
    Box2D/Collision/Shapes/b2PolygonShape.cpp \
    Box2D/Collision/Shapes/b2CircleShape.cpp \
    Box2D/Collision/b2TimeOfImpact.cpp \
    Box2D/Collision/b2DynamicTree.cpp \
    Box2D/Collision/b2Distance.cpp \
    Box2D/Collision/b2Collision.cpp \
    Box2D/Collision/b2CollidePolygon.cpp \
    Box2D/Collision/b2CollideCircle.cpp \
    Box2D/Collision/b2BroadPhase.cpp \

#    **** JsonCpp ****
    jsoncpp/json_reader.cpp \
    jsoncpp/json_value.cpp \
    jsoncpp/json_writer.cpp \

                -ffast-math \
                -O3 \
                -funroll-loops \
                -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=neon \


                    ./jni/jsoncpp \

LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lGLESv1_CM -ldl -llog

$(call import-module,cpufeatures)

I really don't know anything about makefiles, so I could be wrongTongue
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MCServer's GNUmakefile is almost the same, only you don't need to list all the sources, because it uses the shell's commands to find them all. That's the only difference. The variables, rules, everything else is the same. It might need some tweaking regarding the variables, though.
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I just couldn't resist and ordered the AK802 / MK802 thing. They were on sale on eBay for 66 usd Wink I'mhoping they won't charge the import tax on arrival - the device's so small it could be mistaken for a cheap flashdrive Wink
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I think I can see some possible improvement in the biome generation code speed. This could speed up the generator even more Smile
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Every improvement is welcome Smile
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