Random Chitchat 2012-2016
(08-22-2012, 05:22 AM)STR_Warrior Wrote: maybe if you add java-script that a chat window is possible. my brother sais that java-script is realy diffrent then normal java.

The problem is that right now everything is forced into the WebAdmin template, so you cannot have an empty page just showing the chat. When it's possible to show a page with only the data you need it will be possible to have an interactive chat window.
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Is than first some other features :p Maybe a way to edit a world.ini and a restart button
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Well it's possible now, wahaha in rev 772

I'll be creating a webplugin for chatting, seems like an interesting enough challenge
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[Image: 25uh76e.png]
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Boys and their toys Wink
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haha nice but it doesn't support spaces xD if you type how are you you get howareyou
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Omg wtf, you're right. Why does that happen...

EDIT: Fixed it in rev774
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:D will you also add a way to edit the world.ini with the webadmin. also maybe a way to edit groups.ini and users.ini and maybe in the tab playerlist not only have a way to kick someone but also ban someone Smile
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The problem with editting world.ini is that you can edit it only after the world is already "alive" at the server, meaning the minimum spawn area is already generated. So changing the generator afterwards will generate a "rift" in the world; unless you use for example ChunkWorx to regenerate the world after changing the generator.
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maybe (when you add a new world in the settings with webadmin) that you can also have a option that it creates a world.ini before you use that world and that you can edit that.
mc-server crashes allot :S (when i do a high detailt debug the file will be 0 kb :O

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.txt   crash_mcs_7b0.dmp.txt (Size: 42.17 KB / Downloads: 270)
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