Random Chitchat 2012-2016
maybe inspiration for a new world generatorTongue
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Making a lag tester plugin. Smile
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(01-13-2013, 09:47 PM)STR_Warrior Wrote: maybe inspiration for a new world generatorTongue

Exactly. Unfortunately I can't think of a way to integrate that into the composable generator; this will need to be an altogether separate generator. We'll see.

I've made a new branch so that I can play with that. If I get any time at all, the next couple of days are gonna be hectic again, travelling from place to place. I'm kinda already looking forward to getting home.
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Can you show us some pictures of the terrain?
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Haven't even started coding it yet, and you already want pictures?Tongue
But you're in luck, the weather has gone terrible today, so most likely I'll be staying inside coding happily till wee hours.
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I mean the environment of new sealand. Smile
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I was so excited that a few days ago I bought a Topo50 map of a part of the NZ coast, so that I can later have it scanned into computer and vectorized into contour lines. Then I could use those to try to make an algorithm to make similar looking mountains.

Just now I found out that the map is actually available as a free download from the NZ government, digital file that even has the contour lines vectorized! Wow!

Here's a screenshot of the contours:

And here's sample photos.
Please excuse the poor quality, it was taken through a bus front window.
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it looks pretty cool, it reminds me at Czech Republic with all those mountains. its all flat here in Holland Sad
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The generator isn't going as fast as I hoped for. First, the weather on the ferry wasn't too good, so I got sick and instead of coding I had to look overboard otherwise I'd feed the fish. And second I really need to refresh my memory on geometry, especially equations. I now need to do a "distance fro a point to a line" and I'm kinda rusty. Shame on me, really.

Oh, and the hills in CZ are nothing compared to these in NZ.
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is it normal that the "gens" Branch doesn't compile in release mode?
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