Random Chitchat 2012-2016
I'm trying to document the new biome generator in the wiki, but it's going cuckoo; dunno if it's the wiki itself or my connection, it's taking me 3 retries to edit a page Sad

It seems it's the server's fault, as it's the same foul behavior for the forum and the bugtracker, but not for other sites (google code)
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i'm now realy wondering how many chunks vanilla generates per second. if they generate more than MCServer it must be realy well codedTongue
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Use MCP to decompile the server and add in a bit of code to report chunkgen spped and then compare Smile
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as far as i know, vanilla uses subsampling and linear interpolation in 1:4 ratio xz and 1:8 y. thats how he got speed. calculating 128x less values. i think we can still improve mcs, just didnt bother yet. optimization is not worth doing until the code stabilizes.
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I was trying to bend tolua to rename cLuaItems to cItems in the API. God knows I tried hard. But I think they just list the feature without having actually tested it, it simply doesn't work. So I had to make a nasty workaround. Now cItems is fully API exported and available to use in the HOOK_BLOCK_TO_PICKUPS hook. Now plugins can modify the drops from individual dug blocks. So you can actually implement "a magic pickaxe of plenty" that digs up twice as many blocks. Smile
Thanks given by: Taugeshtu
Usefull for the fortune enchantment :p
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Also, I'm reworking the API documentation in the wiki, so if you feel sadistic enough, come help me. The basic structure is there, now all the callbacks and classes need to be properly documented. Then we can add some other topics, but for starters we need those basics.

Oh, yeah, and I'm finally home, yay! Smile No more travelling, no more kindle-only visits.
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While updating the API wiki, I'm finding quite a lot of inconsistencies and code deficiencies. I'm marking them in the wiki, at least, with a FIXME tag.

It is quite a lot of work to write all that stuff, I wish we had some kind of Doxygen for that, since most of the stuff could be automatically generated from the sources, if they were properly tagged. Well, unfortunately we don't have any docs generator for Lua, nor for C++-Lua bindings, so I'm stuck with hand-writing all of it. I at least hope the plugin authors will appreciate the work going into thatTongue
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We do appretiate it a lotBig Grin
Also, I'll look into filling the wiki once you're too tired with it (and you will be before it endsBig Grin)
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Well have a look at it now and tell me if the new style is good enough - imagine yourself as a newbie plugin writer, can you understand it? Does it have all the info you need for the specific item you're looking for? If not, I wanna know before I finish it Smile
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