Random Chitchat 2012-2016
got a fix for the /players command in console. it was actualy pretty simple. this is the function:
function HandleConsolePlayers(Split)
    local PlayersInWorlds = {};    -- "WorldName" => [players array]
    local AddToTable = function(Player)
        local WorldName = Player:GetWorld():GetName();
        if (PlayersInWorlds[WorldName] == nil) then
            PlayersInWorlds[WorldName] = {};
        table.insert(PlayersInWorlds[WorldName], Player:GetName() .. " " ..  Player:GetIP());
    for WorldName, Players in pairs(PlayersInWorlds) do
        LOG("World " .. WorldName .. ":");
        for i, PlayerName in ipairs(Players) do
            LOG("  " .. PlayerName);
    return true;
Thanks given by: xoft
Told you it'd be easyTongue Committed as rev 1220.
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yes it was much easier than i toughtTongue
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how to give people blocks with meta data with plugins? like jungle logs
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Construct a proper cItem object to give. cItem constructor takes up to 3 parameters - type, count and damage (meta).
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
thanks i'l try that
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Redcraft suddenly crashed while there were 4 players online. i don't have a detailed crashdump so i'm now waiting for the server to crash again Wink
here is the Log, Crashdump, Plugins, PDB's, .exe and the settings.ini: http://www.mediafire.com/?twldjii6botpki8
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Damn, I spent an hour writing AnvilStats module for decomposing Anvil files into individual chunks, when I found:
1, NBTEdit won't read those chunks because it doesn't support the new IntArray tag.
2, NBTExplorer, which can read all the new stuff, can also read Anvil files directly.
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I'm stumped.
The protocol documentation says ENTITY_VELOCITY packet measures velocity in 1/32000 blocks per tick (1/1600 blocks per second). Yet looking at the disassembled MC code looks like it's using 1/8000 blocks per tick (1/400 blocks per second). To top it off, ProtoProxy shows that the actual server comm sends really wild numbers - for a fully accelerated minecart on a power-rail loop, it will send values at about 10k (6.25 blocks per second by proto doc, 25 blocks per second by source). However, for a powered minecart that is going the same loop at the same speed it sends only values at about 3k (1.9 blocks per second by proto doc, 7.5 blocks per second by source). Now, a powered minecart going by its own force reports values about 1.3k (0.8 blocks per second by proto doc, 3.25 blocks per second by source).
Now which one do I trust when implementing minecart support in MCServer?!?

(02-24-2013, 10:04 PM)STR_Warrior Wrote: ... so i'm now waiting for the server to crash again Wink ...
You'll be waiting for some time to reproduce that. It's one of those hard-to-get timing bugs.
It's caused by the server broadcasting a chat message right at the moment when a new player was logging in, their protocol was not yet recognized but they were already sent that chat. The protocol recognizer crashed, because it didn't know what to do with it.

Strange thing is, the chat message shouldn't've been broadcast to that player, because they weren't yet logged in and we skip such players when broadcasting. I'll investigate more tomorrow.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
thanks Smile but i have another problem. with the OnPlayerPlacingBlock Hook the BlockType gives a random number but not the block the player placed. for example i placed some sand blocks(12) and the server responded with 9, 16 and 4. it seems it changes when the place of the hitbox changes.
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