Random Chitchat 2012-2016
I've just lost my ability to run MC. It's so hot here that the GPU dies as soon as I launch the client. The problem is that the whole computer case is badly designed, so it retains heat, instead of blowing it out, it just blows it around the insides Sad So even though I changed the cooler, it doesn't help.
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With rev 1611, I believe hoppers are fully functional Smile
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I'm on a company "retreat" now, once in a year we go somewhere for a weekend of eating and drinking. Usually I don't like this event, since I don't drink alcohol, and the pigs around me show no restraints, quaffing one beer after another; but this time they picked a really great location. The hotel has an aquapark in it and the entry's free, childhood, here I come! Smile
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In 2 days I'm finaly allowed to drink alcohol ;D Finaly no brothers teasing me about that Smile But have fun Wink
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I don't see what you find so attractive about alcohol. I've lived some 30 years without it, and I don't think I'm missing out on anything. Rather, it's the heavy-alcohol-drinkers that are missing parts of their life when they drink too muchTongue

And believe me, some 13 years of everyone teasing me about not drinking, and especially lately the awe when they can't believe I haven't drunk anything at all, ever, that's a great feeling Smile Also, if there's a guy boasting how many beers he drunk, and another guy boasting how many years he hasn't drunk at all, which one do you think the ladies will choose, in the end?Big Grin
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Wow, rev 1617 (dispensers spawn primed tnt) coupled together with Debuggers' plugin's redstonetorch click (discharge one dispenser item per tick until empty) is an awesome combination. A steady stream of primed TNT, falling down, destroying anything in its path Smile) I wish I could record that on a video.
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Created a patch that makes TNT turn into primed TNT when it gets powered by redstone:

Attached Files
.patch   RedstoneSimulator.cpp.patch (Size: 999 bytes / Downloads: 219)
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Seems alright, feel free to commit it
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Commited as r1618. Can I edit the redstone simulator a bit more? Just some small things like make redstone lamps work etc?
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Sure, go ahead. It's not like you'd need my permissionTongue Just comment the things along the way so the source is easier to read later.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE

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