What's the latest version for Linux?
I can find r730 for Win,but I can only find r300 for linux.Minecraft 1.2.5 cannot connect.
Who can tell me that which client can use in r300?
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you need to compile it yourself. then you can use R730 and connect with minecraft 1.2.5.
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Linux people usually prefer to build their programs from source, rather than downloading a binary. So you need to do so:
1, First, install svn client for your linux distro. This is distro-specific and I can't help much there. For example on Ubuntu, the command is "sudo apt-get install subversion"
2, Checkout the MCServer sources from the svn: "svn checkout http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ mc-server-read-only"
3, cd to the mc-server-read-only directory
4, run "make" for a debug version (slow, too verbose), or "make release=1" for a release version (faster, less verbose)
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