Bearbin's Automated Builds
Sounds interesting. I'm out for most of today but I'll fix your server SphinxCore and we can see about adding BSD/mac builds.
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If you made me admin Wink
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I'll get my laptop online tomorrow, let's hope I don't forget to run the Jenkins client.

Tough times. But I already have the home internet contract papers on me, I can finally sign them and hope to get online soon. I just hope there'll be a public IPv4 address with the connection and that the NAT will be open or even disabled.
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SphinxC0re: I updated the name of your slave, but it does still need to be reconnected.
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My desktop is back online, finally. We'll have one stable Windows slave.
Thanks given by: tonibm19
The file brewing.txt is not included in the builds.
[15:54:22] Could not open the brewing recipes file "brewing.txt". No brewing recipes are available.
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I'm not 100% sure we are vulnerable, but it might be worth checking.
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Seadragon: It should be included, is it not in the Server folder?
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It's in the folder Server on github, but no in the zip files. You have a script that creates the zip files with the content and I think there the file brewing.txt has to be added.

Edit: Ops it's in the linux builds, but not in the windows builds.
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The windows builds only includes the files listed in the Install/Zip2008.lst file. We need to update it with any new additions.
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