Poll: Source block creation
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Do not add to Floody (but add to vanilla-MC, once it is written)
1 12.50%
Make it configurable in the world.ini file
5 62.50%
Add to both Floody and the future vanilla-MC
2 25.00%
Do not add to either >:-D
0 0%
Total 8 vote(s) 100%
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Sourceblock creation in Floody simulator
When I wrote Floody fluid simulator, I deliberately didn't implement sourceblock creation (3x1 hole, put water in the ends, a sourceblock is created in the middle). Having a way to generate infinite water from two sourceblocks didn't feel right to me. But now it has been asked in the bugtracker that this feature be added. So this thread is to ask, whether you'd like to have sourceblock creation in Floody simulator.
As usual, on-topic comments are welcome.
I'm personally gonna go with "configurable", as usual. Give them their freedom! Smile
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Well as you plan to add the original vanilla simulator anyway right ?
Why not only add it to that ?

In the end if you ever add it i will use the vanilla simulator anyway. so people dont get there planning washed away :p.
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Quote:I'm personally gonna go with "configurable", as usual. Give them their freedom!
You know, in terms of how to write a software that somebody else will use, you are my hero Wink
Go with configurable option!

On a related note: I can't quite remember if Floody has its spread settable or not. If not, could it be added?

Maybe one day I'll write my own simulator..
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The vanilla simulator won't be added for some time - at least until the simulators are refactored for faster operation (discussed in another thread), because it needs access to a far wider area around the simulated block than Floody.

Floody is quite configurable, the parameters should be added to your world.ini as soon as you enable Floody simulator for a fluid. True, I haven't updated the wiki yet, so I'm gonna do that soon (ish Smile )
Simulator configuration documented:
Thanks given by: Taugeshtu
Hmm, I see I've promised something and I haven't yet delivered. Well then, maybe when I get more time, perhaps on the bus.
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got it working last night, but have no svn access, hopefully in the evening.
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Committed as rev 1119, documented in the wiki: http://www.mc-server.org/wiki/doku.php?i...r_sections
Extended testing would be welcome.
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