Hey, I love the server - great performance and sync compared to the official. Just have a question about water.. I gather it isn't generated by the server when the world is created, but the water plugin is supposed to compensate for this? However the water plugin just spits out loads of errors on my copy of the server saying about a deprecated function. Have you got any suggestions or remedies for this?

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Water IS generated, but I guess it's pretty rare... the generation algorithm definitely needs some modifying.

The water plugin simply makes water flow. The messages are not errors but warnings, because it does use deprecated functions like.. each tickTongue

Here's the water plugin edited by me, to remove some logging and fixed deprecated warnings. This is NOT written by me, but by the awesome guy that goes by with the name ker on the Ae forum http://ae-c.net/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=261
local WaterPlugin = {}
WaterPlugin.__index = WaterPlugin

function WaterPlugin:new()
   local t = {}
   setmetatable(t, WaterPlugin)
   local w = Lua__cPlugin:new()
   tolua.setpeer(w, t)
   return w

function WaterPlugin:OnDisable()
   --Log( Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion() .. " is shutting down..." )

function WaterPlugin:Initialize()
   self:SetName( "Water" )
   self:SetVersion( 1 )

   PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager()
   PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_TICK )
   PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_BLOCK_DIG )
   PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_BLOCK_PLACE )
   self.WaterBlocks = {};
   self.WaterBlocks = {};

   --Log( "Initialized " .. self:GetName() .. " v." .. self:GetVersion() )
   self.NumTicks = 0;
   return true

function IsFreeForWater(block)
   return block == E_BLOCK_AIR
      or block == E_BLOCK_TORCH
      or block == E_BLOCK_MINECART_TRACKS
      or block == E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_ON
      or block == E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF;

function WaterPlugin:OnBlockPlace( PacketData, Player )

   local X = PacketData.m_PosX
   local Y = PacketData.m_PosY
   local Z = PacketData.m_PosZ
   X, Y, Z = AddDirection( X, Y, Z, PacketData.m_Direction )
   --Log("water: " .. X .. "," .. Y .. "," .. Z .. " -- adding due to Place...");
   self:AddSurroundings(X, Y, Z);
   return false

function WaterPlugin:AddSurroundings(X, Y, Z)
   local level_points = {
      {X-1, Y, Z},
      {X+1, Y, Z},
      {X, Y, Z-1},
      {X, Y, Z+1},
      {X, Y+1, Z},
      {X, Y-1, Z},
   for key,val in pairs(level_points) do
      self:AddBlock(val[1], val[2], val[3]);

function WaterPlugin:AddBlock(X, Y, Z)
   local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld();
   local t = World:GetBlock(X, Y, Z);
      local found = false;
      for key,val in pairs(self.WaterBlocks) do
         if(val[1] == X and val[2] == Y and val[3] == Z) then
            found = true;
            --Log("addblock found");
      if(not found) then
         --Log("addblock adding");
         table.insert(self.WaterBlocks, {X, Y, Z});

function WaterPlugin:OnBlockDig( PacketData, Player )
   local X = PacketData.m_PosX
   local Y = PacketData.m_PosY
   local Z = PacketData.m_PosZ
   if(PacketData.m_Status == 3) then -- block broken
      --Log("water: " .. X .. "," .. Y .. "," .. Z .. " -- adding due to dig... status is: " .. PacketData.m_Status);
      self:AddSurroundings(X, Y, Z);
   return false

function WaterPlugin:Tick( DeltaTime )
   if( self.NumTicks < 5 ) then   -- Only spread every 10 ticks, to make sure it doesnt happen too fast
      self.NumTicks = self.NumTicks + 1
   local debug = true;
   self.NumTicks = 0

   local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()

   local OldBlocks = self.WaterBlocks;
   self.WaterBlocks = {};
   for key,val in pairs(OldBlocks) do
      local X = val[1]
      local Y = val[2]
      local Z = val[3]
      local t = World:GetBlock(X, Y, Z);
      --Log("processing: " .. X .. "," .. Y .. "," .. Z .. " -- " .. t);
      if(t == E_BLOCK_WATER) then
         local isFed = false;
         local f = World:GetBlockMeta(X, Y, Z);
         local f2 = f;
         if(f == 8) then
            local t2 = World:GetBlock(X, Y+1, Z);
            if(t2 == E_BLOCK_WATER) then
               isFed = true;
               f = 0;
         elseif(f == 0) then
            isFed = true;
            f2 = GetMaximumWaterAround(X, Y, Z);
            if(f2 < f) then
               isFed = true;
         if(isFed) then
            --Log(" isFed");
            local down = World:GetBlock(X, Y-1, Z);
            if(IsFreeForWater(down)) then
               --Log("  down");
               World:SetBlock(X, Y-1, Z, E_BLOCK_WATER, 8);
               self:AddBlock(X, Y-1, Z);
               --Log("  around");
               if(f2+1 < f) then
                  World:SetBlock(X, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_WATER, f2+1);
                  self:AddBlock(X, Y, Z);
               elseif(f < 7) then
                  --Log("   enough power");
                  local points = GetLowestPoints(X, Y, Z);
                  for k,v in pairs(points) do
                     local t2 = World:GetBlock(v[1], v[2], v[3]);
                     if(t2 ~= E_BLOCK_WATER) then
                        if(v[2] == Y) then
                           World:SetBlock(v[1], v[2], v[3], E_BLOCK_WATER, f+1);
                           World:SetBlock(v[1], v[2], v[3], E_BLOCK_WATER, 8);
                        self:AddBlock(v[1], v[2], v[3]);
                     else -- is water
                        local f3 = World:GetBlockMeta(v[1], v[2], v[3]);
                        if(f3 > f+1) then
                           self:AddBlock(v[1], v[2], v[3]);
            --Log(" not isFed");
            World:SetBlock(X, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0);
            self:AddSurroundings(X, Y, Z);
         --Log("changed before tick, not processing none-water");

function GetMaximumWaterAround(X, Y, Z)
   local mx = 8;
   local level_points = {
      {X-1, Y, Z},
      {X+1, Y, Z},
      {X, Y, Z-1},
      {X, Y, Z+1},
   local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld();
   for key,val in pairs(level_points) do
      local t = World:GetBlock(val[1], val[2], val[3]);
      if(t == E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER) then
         mx = 0;
      elseif(t == E_BLOCK_WATER) then
         local f = World:GetBlockMeta(val[1], val[2], val[3]);
         if(f < mx) then
            mx = f;
         elseif(f == 8) then
            mx = 0;
         if(mx == 0) then
   return mx;

function GetLowestPoints(X, Y, Z)
   local World = cWorld:GetWorld()
   local t = World:GetBlock(X, Y-1, Z);
   local points = {};
   if(IsFreeForWater(t)) then
      table.insert(points, {X, Y-1, Z});
      return points;
   local lower_points = {
      {X-1, Y-1, Z},
      {X+1, Y-1, Z},
      {X, Y-1, Z-1},
      {X, Y-1, Z+1},
   local waterFound = false;
   for key,val in pairs(lower_points) do
      local t = World:GetBlock(val[1], val[2], val[3]);
      local t2 = World:GetBlock(val[1], Y, val[3]);
      if(IsFreeForWater(t) and IsFreeForWater(t2)) then
         table.insert(points, val);
         val[2] = Y;
         table.insert(points, val);
      elseif(t2 == E_BLOCK_WATER and (IsFreeForWater(t) or t == E_BLOCK_WATER)) then
         waterFound = true;
   if(#points == 0 and not waterFound) then
      local level_points = {
         {X-1, Y, Z},
         {X+1, Y, Z},
         {X, Y, Z-1},
         {X, Y, Z+1},
      for key,val in pairs(level_points) do
         local t = World:GetBlock(val[1], val[2], val[3]);
         if(IsFreeForWater(t) or t == E_BLOCK_WATER) then
            table.insert(points, val);
   return points;

Plugin = WaterPlugin:new()
cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager():AddPlugin( Plugin )
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Ah, okay thanks! would be cool to have more water- haven't found any yet but oh wellTongue not a big problem. Obviously I'm a big noob to scripting for it, do you think you could give me any pointers/help in the way of a script that would effectively 'glue' you to a block, my friend and and I wanted to make a script that would allow one of us to stick to the other ones magic carpet and fly without falling off.

Thanks Smile
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I think that should be possible by using the function
cPlayer:TeleportTo( PosX, PosY, PosZ );

The only problem is that blocks don't actually 'move'.

You'll have to change the MagicCarpet plugin to do what you want it to do. First you should detect whether a player is standing on the carpet, and if so, keep teleporting the player to the right position on the carpet.
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Ah yeah that makes sense, i'll check that out. We've run in to a bit of an issue where blocks respawn after being destroyed but would i be correct in thinking this is due to server performance rather than the minecraft server?
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Block re-spawn after destroying because Notch changed the network protocol a tiny bit, I have already fixed this Smile I think I'll be releasing it today.
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Ahh okay, that would be awesome if you could. Thanks for answering all my questions so quick- think thats all the questions for now but I'm sure I'll have plenty more in the near futureTongue
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Hey, couldn't help but read the posts haha, just wondering what time zone you are in as i am in GMT + 0 and wanted to know if it was going to be released tonight?

thanks Wink
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Yeah, I'm GMT+1 (The Netherlands)
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so roughly what time is it going to be released tonight? Smile
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