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The cCuboid class is present only for the API, and the only two things it does is sorting three sets of two numbers (coord sort) and comparing three coords with six coords (testing if a point is inside).
In my opinion this class is highly useless and should be considered for removal from the API. If wanted, we could make single API functions with the similar behavior, but easier usage:
local MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY, MinZ, MaxZ = SortThreeCoords(X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2);
IsPointInside(X, Y, MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY, MinZ, MaxZ);
How about that?
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Those of you voting "keep", could you provide the rationale behind your decision? I'd like to discuss.
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i think it should stay so no plugins will be broken but if the other option is better that should be added to
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I find it weird if the server has to make due for plugins that dont get upgraded.
If there are plugins a replacement should be fine.
Btw direct problem,
When not logged in then pressing to vote(didnt know i wasnt logged in)
And when you get the login screen and login, you get redirected to a white page aka polls.php might wanna fix it.
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Oh, come on, now I have to rewrite Portals too? Are you going to remove everything you're too lazy to document?
Also, last time I attempted at documenting API (and I remember it pretty fraggin' clear) I documented cCuboid, and there was not a single change in it.
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Who cares, if people wanna use it, let them use it. Leave it in, it's not like it's a problem
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Here are my two cents:
We can always leave them in. Make them throw a warning using LOG() saying that these functions are deprecated and that they should use the new API. After 1 to 2 years, we can remove them if nobody is using them anymore.