New AI for Mobs
Ah. I see.

Well, if you think so. I suppose we can go without them then.
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(12-19-2013, 05:59 AM)xoft Wrote: I've watched a few videos, the horses don't burn. No point in making them a separate class, then.

Ah, you err on that MCS is not vanilla, but a custom implementation that reserves the right to add bits and bobs that should be in vanilla ice cream, but not.

That's why enderdragon spawn eggs work!Big Grin
Thanks given by: tonibm19
While I think it is a good thing to get close to vanilla, I think it would be wrong of us to not improve on it.

As for the horse loader, why not just rework it so that it knows that if it gets a zombie or skeleton horse, it needs to do a specific class? We wouldn't need a completely new function.
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I think what you should do it's implement vanilla-like AI, and then, with a decent AI implemented, improve it and try to make it better than vanilla (but try to don't affect perfomance)
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I just now noticed that you are using in fact multiple inheritance and the horses do have a common cHorse ancestor. Fine then.
Now my only trouble is that Lua bindings are difficult for classes with multiple inheritance.
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Try using a component system instead of multiple inheritance
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Component system? What / how?
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I thought these slides explained it pretty nicely, check it out:
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Oops. Just when I felt good about myself fixing lots of the compiler warnings, I remembered that you're rewriting the code, so I've probably generated an awful lot of conflicts. Sorry!

FakeTruth, that is a nice read. Certainly makes sense. I wonder if it could be applied to MCS.
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I do think that it is a good idea. However, because none of these mixins I am using don't need to be dynamically applied, I am perfectly content leaving them using inheritance. Plus, they shouldn't ever be mentioned in the lua side of things since they only have one purpose, and no useful interface. So will it be possible to write the lua side of things without any mention of them?
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