New AI for Mobs
I'd love to, but there's always something else that I need to do first - make ProtoProxy compile undex *nix, change the underlying crypto library (so that we can do SSL / HTTPS that we need for 1.7 auth), then a mysterious deadlock, then even more mysterious protocol parsing errors, next, the 1.7 protocol auth, then fix the Gallery plugin, then set up the Gallery server... Smile
Thanks given by: Antonio
Well, I'll start working on it within the next couple of day. I'll also have a programming buddy who's interested in AI helping me in about two weeks from now. Smile
Thanks given by: Antonio
MCServer has a new AI and now Minecraft also gets a new AI:
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I'm now trying to export MoveToPosition
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Should be easy. Add //tolua_export after the MoveToPosition line in the cMonster.h
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Yes I did, it compiled. Now I need to test with a plugin.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
STR_Warrior and tonibm19, do y'all want to help with the rewrite? I mean, when its all done the old AI will be disappearing completely, and so will all of the changes that you are currently making.
Or do you just want to get something kinda working right now?
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Of course I'd like to help, but I don't think I can create something as advanced as a new AI.
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Nooo my changes are going to be nukedTongue
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I believe the changes could be made in smaller steps, so that the process is not that painful. For example adding a m_Behavior member to cMonster that will take care of the AI tasks done now in the Tick() functions of individual mobs.
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