Network API
I tried testing it, but when I used restart to update the webadmin users I got this error:
[Image: 391b0a9221.png]
After that the server wasn't responding to anything.
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Nice catch. Both errors (socket not freed and server not aborting on error) should be fixed in 0edf7ceb28b289f96314bb9b2f7030b61ba4f313.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Great, everything worked for me exept that. Smile
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I've rebased the branch on top of current master. I guess I'll start a parallel branch with the Lua API in the meantime, until we have more confirmations that the migration is working properly.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Ooooh, that was quite fast Smile The first actual usage of the Lua API is working:
[8863cdd6|14:26:22] Startup complete, took 6040ms!
net client
[af4780c4|14:26:29] Executing console command: "net client"
[af4780c4|14:26:29] Client connection request queued.
[aac7ff14|14:26:29] Connected to Sending HTTP request for front page.
[aac7ff14|14:26:32] Received data from
HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 258
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:26:29 GMT
Server: GFE/2.0
Alternate-Protocol: 80:quic,p=0.02

<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<H1>302 Moved</H1>
The document has moved
<A HREF=";ei=hePIVKjQM-ik8wfh0oGYAg">here</A>.

And this is the complete code from the plugin:
function HandleConsoleNetClient(a_Split)
	-- Get the address to connect to:
	local Host = a_Split[3] or ""
	local Port = a_Split[4] or 80

	-- Create the callbacks "personalised" for the address:
	local Callbacks =
		OnConnected = function (a_Link)
			LOG("Connected to " .. Host .. ":" .. Port .. ". Sending HTTP request for front page.")
			a_Link:Send("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: " .. Host .. "\r\n\r\n")
		OnError = function (a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
			LOG("Connection to " .. Host .. ":" .. Port .. " failed: " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
		OnReceivedData = function (a_Data)
			LOG("Received data from " .. Host .. ":" .. Port .. ":\r\n" .. a_Data)
	-- Queue a connect request:
	local res = cNetwork:Connect(Host, Port, Callbacks)
	if not(res) then
		LOGWARNING("cNetwork:Connect call failed immediately")
		return true
	return true, "Client connection request queued."
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE , Seadragon91
That's awesomeBig Grin
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I pushed all the code in a new PR. The cNetwork::Connect() function and cTCPLink class are more or less complete. I also pushed the network plugin test code as a new plugin, NetworkTest.
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(01-29-2015, 12:19 AM)xoft Wrote: I pushed all the code in a new PR. The cNetwork::Connect() function and cTCPLink class are more or less complete. I also pushed the network plugin test code as a new plugin, NetworkTest.

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I've got server functionality exported as well, it seems to work nicely. I have written two servers, the traditional Echo server, and a Text-Fortune server.

There's only one problem that I've run into now. Object ownership. Sometimes we want Lua to own the object (so that it is garbage-collected), and sometimes we want the same object to direct its own lifetime. This will need some detailed thinking.
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I think it should be all sorted out, I've been testing with the NetworkTest plugin and it all seems to work. Feel free to review and comment on the PR:
There's still an issue of missing documentation for the new classes. That will be a tough one, with the callback tables being returned in a callback from a table Smile

Bah! It still doesn't compile on Linux Sad
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