The Gallery server
The server has been moved today physically, it is no longer hosted by my friend, instead it has "come home" and is again hosted by me. The address is unchanged, I've redirected the hostname to the proper IP address.
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I have added a new gallery, BigPlains, with larger areas - 32x32 blocks!
Before you go on a claiming rush, note that such large areas might cause various problems with the generator and thus may not be available to all kinds of content:
- Trees generator is still limited to 16x16, and that's not gonna change
- Villages generator, although capable of virtually any size, will produce "ugly output" when generating large areas - they will cut into terrain mercilessly, leveling all mountains and valleys and producing sharp edges
- Underground structures, such as mines and fortresses, might generate part of the area above ground
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
I believe the server is down again.

Or are you recompiling to test #2508? Smile
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Something got broken, the server was hanging with a last message from libevent saying:
LibEvent: event_del_: event has no event_base set.
I restarted the server, should be running now.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
can you enable the /give command for builders?
i plan a collection with mushroomblocks, and they are difficult to handle without^^

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Thanks given by: heroldini
heroldini created some really nice houses that could look great in the mushroom biomes.

Also, I created an End template(Plains#375) since we might want a End Gallery for when MC 1.9 comes out.
Thanks given by: heroldini , xoft
For some reason the Smurfs theme song popped into my head when flying along those housesBig Grin

They look great, good job, I think they'll make a lovely small village. NiL, could you approve them, sponge them and connectorise them? Smile The connector type should be -1. You should be able to export the cubeset file through the webadmin, then, and feed it into the village generator for testing.

I'm really looking forward to the End cities, finally some challenge for our prefab generators; I believe we won't have to change much code, if anything at all, in order to make it work. I just don't like the idea of having incompatible blocks in the Gallery server, as long as there's no WECUI for the specific client version. Because editing / approving / checking is very difficult without WECUI.
Thanks given by: heroldini
...... and finishedBig Grin

i walked around on a mushroombiom, some days ago, and i think: its so boring, smurf villages would be missing here...Tongue

5 small houses
1 small lost/left house
1 field (pumpkins, these villager love pumpkins. You can find pumpkins all over the villageBig Grin )
1 streetlamp
1 village center
1 small shop
1 blacksmith
1 library
1 church


feel free to fork or what ever^^
Thanks given by: Seadragon91
(10-08-2015, 07:17 AM)xoft Wrote: For some reason the Smurfs theme song popped into my head when flying along those housesBig Grin
Perhaps because heroldini named them smurf houses on the sign's above them Smile

(10-08-2015, 07:17 AM)xoft Wrote: They look great, good job, I think they'll make a lovely small village. NiL, could you approve them, sponge them and connectorise them? Smile The connector type should be -1. You should be able to export the cubeset file through the webadmin, then, and feed it into the village generator for testing.
Sure, but I can't come online until around 16:45. I doubt they'd appreciate it if I were to play MC on my internship Wink

(10-08-2015, 07:17 AM)xoft Wrote: I'm really looking forward to the End cities, finally some challenge for our prefab generators; I believe we won't have to change much code, if anything at all, in order to make it work. I just don't like the idea of having incompatible blocks in the Gallery server, as long as there's no WECUI for the specific client version. Because editing / approving / checking is very difficult without WECUI.
Perhaps we would only build the pieces, but approve them later. Or we could implement our own boundingbox by using cClientHandle:SendBlockChange(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta). It could cause some lagg with larger selections, but it could work. Or we'd need a cClientHandle:SendBlockChanges({{x = 5, y = 5, z = 5, BlockType = E_BLOCK_AIR, BlockMeta = 0}})

Also, it seems like the previews aren't updating for me. Only a few structures are done, but the other new structures just don't finish: webadmin/Gallery/Plains?startidx=350
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