Signin (login)
Signin (login) plugin that use player name as login and standard commands (/l, /reg, etc) for authenticate player (password).

Version: 2016090502


Signin - плагін авторизації гравців по ніку. Для авторизації вікористовуються стандартні команди (/l, /reg, та інші)

Можливості плагіну:
- Гравець може змінювати свій пароль.
- Пароль зберігається у базі даних у вигляді хешу.
- Гравець не зможе рухатись доки не авторизується.
- Кожні 3 секунди сповіщає про необхідність аторизуватися (Version: 2016090501).
- Можливість зміни паролі гравцям (Version: 2016090502).

Права доступу:
signin2.core - право потрібне для використання плагіну. Повинно бути у групі по замовченню.
signin2.chpasswd - Право зміни паролю іншого гравця


Signin - плагин авторизации игроков по нику. Для авторизации используется стандартный набор команд (/l, /reg, и т.д.)

Возможности плагина:
- Игрок может менять свой пароль.
- Пароль хранится в базе данних в виде хэша.
- Игрок не можут твигаться, пока не авторизируется.
- Каждые 3 секунды выдает сообщение о необходимости авторизироваться (Version: 2016090501).
- Возможность менять пароль игрокам (Version: 2016090502).

Права доступа:
signin2.core - право необходимое для использования плагина. Должно быть установлено в группе по умолчанию.
signin2.chpasswd - право изменения пароля другого игрока.

Some exists features:
- Player can change password
- Password saved in database in hashed form.
- Player can not move until authenticate
- Show authenticate message every 3 seconds (Version: 2016090501).
- Change passwords for players (Version: 2016090502).

signin2.core - Player can use plugin. Must set for default role.
signin2.chpasswd - Change other player password.


/login - authenticate ('/l', '/log', '/register', '/reg', '/sign', '/s', '/signin') (/l 12345)
/passwd - change own password (/passwd 12345).
/chpasswd - Change passsword other players (/chpasswd DrMasik 12345)

Source: (git)
Download (zip)
Thanks given by: Boo
You can use the cPlayer Freeze command rather than manually freezing.
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This is the first time I've seen someone place every single function in a different fileTongue

I'm curious though, what does this plugin have that my Login is lacking? Not that there is anything wrong with a little competition ^^
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(09-05-2016, 11:24 PM)LogicParrot Wrote: You can use the cPlayer Freeze command rather than manually freezing.

I was trying but no result. May be, I does something wrong Smile
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(09-05-2016, 11:36 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: This is the first time I've seen someone place every single function in a different fileTongue

This protects against accidental errors.

(09-05-2016, 11:36 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: I'm curious though, what does this plugin have that my Login is lacking? Not that there is anything wrong with a little competition ^^

This plugin authentication players by name. In any way, some people ask me for this plugin.
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(09-05-2016, 11:36 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: This is the first time I've seen someone place every single function in a different fileTongue

this plugin working without UUID, im using this plugin. I Think UUID not need in offline servers.

So i really like this plugin
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@DrMasik How does it prevent accidental errors?

@Boo, that's why I created a networkapi. The advantage over using an API instead of accessing a sqlite file directly is that the API will still work even after the sqlite table layout changes.
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(09-06-2016, 01:28 AM)NiLSPACE Wrote: @DrMasik How does it prevent accidental errors?

1. When you are member of team and modify same file - it is hard to merge. In case Git cannot do it automatically.
2. When you are making some enhancement - it is simplest to add functions in separate file. Hello from C++ OOP.
3. When you are looking for bug - it is more efficient to have splitted files to function.

0. When I start programming (1997) no rules and howtos Smile Now - you have many best practices. I like to split one task to one file or more files if needed. Task - it is function. It is from C++ Wink

Try yourself and you find it is interesting for you.

I recommend to read books of Bjarne Stroustrup
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Little update ot version: 2016090501.
- Show authenticate message every 3 seconds.
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Quote:When you are member of team and modify same file - it is hard to merge. In case Git cannot do it automatically.

Git is very good at auto merging though Smile
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