Difficulties v2 (Merged into Core)
This plugin adds vanilla-like difficulties to MCServer.
-4 different difficulties: peaceful, easy, normal and hard.
-Multiworld support
-Vanilla-like command (difficulty can be specified in numbers, complete words, or letters)
/difficulty difficulties.difficulty --Changes server difficulty
Config (in world.ini)
WorldDifficulty = 2 (change to difficulty you want, peaceful = 0, easy = 1, normal = 2, hard = 3)

Attached Files
.zip   Difficulties.zip (Size: 1.65 KB / Downloads: 443)
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Perhaps some more information,
Like does this apply to mobs as difficulty normally does make stuff harder..
But mcserver isn't finished so i was wondering what does this actually affect.
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Difficulty is only applied to mobs damage and spawning (in peaceful mode). Mobs damage depending on difficulty is set according to minecraft wiki. Also, special zombie damage is implemented in the plugin (How much your attack them, more damage they do.
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Could this be made into a per-world difficulty? So we can have an easy world and a hard world, in addition to the creative worlds Smile
Does the command accept words or only numbers?
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in the command you can only use words, no numbers. I'll try to make it perworld configurable. Maybe difficulty can be stored in world.ini. I will have a look at cIniFile (I never used it) and see what I can do.
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New update (v2)
-Multiworld support
-Made command vanilla-like.

Maybe it could be integrated into Core. Originally I made this for that. Do you agree?
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It should probably be integrated straight into the server and skipping core.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Put it into the Core in the meantime, until we can get it into the server.
Fixing tools (by combining two half-damaged ones) is done in the Core as well, so I guess it's okay.
Thanks given by: tonibm19
(08-26-2013, 11:38 PM)xoft Wrote: Put it into the Core in the meantime, until we can get it into the server.
Fixing tools (by combining two half-damaged ones) is done in the Core as well, so I guess it's okay.
Smile ok, Ill merge it into Core later.
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Merged into core. It gives a warning about TDI.Attacker but all works fine. I'll see if I can fix this.
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