12-12-2013, 03:08 AM
Any idea why
According to VS it crashes because of
bool cRoot::StopWorld(AString a_WorldName, AString a_MoveToWorld) { if (a_WorldName == a_MoveToWorld || a_WorldName == m_pDefaultWorld->GetName()) { return false; } if (m_WorldsByName[a_WorldName] == NULL) { return false; } class cCallback : public cPlayerListCallback { public: const char * m_NewWorld; cCallback(const char * a_NewWorld) : m_NewWorld(a_NewWorld) {} virtual bool Item(cPlayer * a_Player) override { a_Player->MoveToWorld(m_NewWorld); return false; } } a_Callback(a_MoveToWorld.c_str()); m_WorldsByName[a_WorldName]->ForEachPlayer(a_Callback); m_WorldsByName[a_WorldName]->Stop(); return true; }makes the server crash?
According to VS it crashes because of
AString IncomingData; { cCSLock Lock(m_CSIncomingData); std::swap(IncomingData, m_IncomingData); // <--: This is the next statement to execute when this thread returns from the current function. }