I'll be port-forwarding only the MCS port on the router. That should be enough, right? And I do have changed passwords for all devices in my network, come on. Don't you know my paranoia? Let me tell you, if you ever get even a little bit paranoid, never ever start working for an anti-virus company The stuff I've seen the malware can do...
Sometimes it's even funny. The other day we got hold of a thing that would use the computer's speakers and microphone to create a bridge to another device infected with the same malware, so that even physically disconnecting the network didn't cut that thing off the net
A true "whispernet". Guess they got their inspiration by literal translation
Sometimes it's even funny. The other day we got hold of a thing that would use the computer's speakers and microphone to create a bridge to another device infected with the same malware, so that even physically disconnecting the network didn't cut that thing off the net
A true "whispernet". Guess they got their inspiration by literal translation