01-29-2014, 04:48 PM
I believe the GitHub app is the easiest to use of any such tools. I personally use msysgit, which is half-commandline, half-braindead-UI, for the regular work, and TortoiseGit for the visual merging of conflicts.
msysgit: http://msysgit.github.io/
TortoiseGit: http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/
Maybe if you wrote the error it gives you, we could help you out. Usually the problem is that before you finish writing your changes, someone else makes other changes, so you need to download and merge theirs first, then push yours.
msysgit: http://msysgit.github.io/
TortoiseGit: http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/
Maybe if you wrote the error it gives you, we could help you out. Usually the problem is that before you finish writing your changes, someone else makes other changes, so you need to download and merge theirs first, then push yours.