06-30-2015, 07:05 AM
I suspect 25 GB is a little over the top. 8.1 is 3.62 GB for a full install iso. Also 400 million is a little on the large size. Looking at the guesstimate for windows update size listed here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windo...552?auth=1. I would estimate that the bandwidth is no more than 4 - 8 times a high windows update size. And that's assuming that every computer installing windows updates installs the windows 10 update. Which is unlikely as most large organizations will probably put it off a few years. So I would expect microsoft's total bandwidth requirements to match the normal windows update levels which would mean they probably need no more than 50% more bandwidth. Azure can probably provide that. (remember everyone downloading windows 10 is not going to update their existing install). And they can put off minor windows updates to ease pressure from that.