I've started hitting lots of crashes in LeakFinder. And I mean lots. Actually, it's like a crash within a few seconds of starting the server.
No idea where that came from, no idea why it started, I didn't do any modifications when it started.
When I disable the leakfinder, everything seems to run okay, but that can be just an illusion caused by not seeing the corrupted memory.
I have no idea what to do with this
Nice, it seems to be Lua-related. Perhaps I'm hitting the same thing that has caused the crashes in Lua lately.
No idea where that came from, no idea why it started, I didn't do any modifications when it started.
When I disable the leakfinder, everything seems to run okay, but that can be just an illusion caused by not seeing the corrupted memory.
I have no idea what to do with this
Nice, it seems to be Lua-related. Perhaps I'm hitting the same thing that has caused the crashes in Lua lately.