I already have like 3 different linuxes in virtualbox, and one running on physical hardware (RasPi), so there's no shortage of machines, it's just sometimes complicated to do stuff I want to do
The advantage of having it in virtualbox is that I can "share" the same source folder onto the linux, so then I can edit the sources in Visual studio, which is a far more superior IDE, and then compile in linux.
On another note, it seems I have managed to further optimize the DistortedHeightmap generator, I have committed it as rev 1486. It has reached the speeds of Biomal, so it should be quite usable; unfortunately I also had to slightly modify it, so now it generates a bit different terrain, so if you have a world already generated in DistHei, you'll see a change between the two versions on chunk borders.
The advantage of having it in virtualbox is that I can "share" the same source folder onto the linux, so then I can edit the sources in Visual studio, which is a far more superior IDE, and then compile in linux.
On another note, it seems I have managed to further optimize the DistortedHeightmap generator, I have committed it as rev 1486. It has reached the speeds of Biomal, so it should be quite usable; unfortunately I also had to slightly modify it, so now it generates a bit different terrain, so if you have a world already generated in DistHei, you'll see a change between the two versions on chunk borders.