I've made an script that downloands the latest working MCServer version from bearbin's automated builds, untar it, and runs it. Shall I modify the Installing on Linux page in the wiki and add it? It would be usefull for linux newcomers.
I wanted to upload the sh file but it's imposible it gives me an error.
Also, I'm mading an script that compiles the latest version from the sources.
Xoft, is your ProtectionAreas plugin included in the latest MCServer?
ProtectionAreas: missed 2 files
If it is, please make some documentation (commands, permisions...)
I wanted to upload the sh file but it's imposible it gives me an error.
Also, I'm mading an script that compiles the latest version from the sources.
Xoft, is your ProtectionAreas plugin included in the latest MCServer?
ProtectionAreas: missed 2 files
If it is, please make some documentation (commands, permisions...)