Monster is anything "living", it equals Mob in the default terminology. We haven't yet settled the terminology down, sometimes we use Mob, sometimes Monster, but they are the same.
You can see that in the inheritance graph here:
Behold the c++ template master. I have bent LuaState several times over until calling named Lua functions is almost as easy as calling a C++ function:
Pity that each combination of {#args, #returns} must be specifically written in cLuaState, but still, this is a major step-up.
You can see that in the inheritance graph here:
Behold the c++ template master. I have bent LuaState several times over until calling named Lua functions is almost as easy as calling a C++ function:
bool FirstReturnedValue = false; int SecondReturnedValue = 0; m_LuaState.Call("FunctionName", a_World, a_Player, cLuaState::Return, FirstReturnedValue, SecondReturnedValue);This calls function FunctionName() that takes 2 args (World, Player) and returns 2 values (a bool and an int).
Pity that each combination of {#args, #returns} must be specifically written in cLuaState, but still, this is a major step-up.