Tasks that are Easy Enough for newcoming programmers
I'll just comment on the last mentioned issue - the data member on the API site. Note that the API site lists the Lua API, which is very, very different from the C++ code. Most of the Lua API is based on function calls, there are only very little "member variables". The Lua API dump is actually very complete in this matter - everything available in the API is there. As you can see at the bottom of the index page, the actual documentation of those items is somewhat lacking, but at least all of them are listed.

You have inspired me to an idea: for those starting with MCS development, either C++ or Lua, it would be quite helpful to have an article written about the basics of the minecraft world - what it comprises of, what are the individual elements called, how they are handled etc. I'd expect an explanation of what's a world, what's a chunk, why loading / unloading chunks, entity vs blockentity, itemhandlers and blockhandlers etc. Such an article could then be added to the API docs (although it is not strictly API), same as the WritingAMCServerPlugin or SettingUpDecoda articles.

If anyone would like to do those, the key location for you is $/src/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump, there are HTML files there which contain the articles, so you can just start a new one there. Anything in the Static subfolder will be copied over, so put images etc. there. And finally add the article metadata to the bottom of the APIDesc.lua file (again, the three articles already present should guide you).
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RE: Tasks that are Easy Enough for newcoming programmers - by xoft - 02-11-2014, 08:39 AM

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