MyHomes (with multiworld support! :D)
Here is a home plugin for MCServer. It's based on SimpleHome but includes a lot of new features.
- All you can expect from a simple homes plugin
- Up to 3 homes!
- Multiworld support!

Permisions and commands:
/home myhomes.home
/sethome myhomes.sethome
/home2 myhomes.home2
/sethome2 myhomes.sethome2
/home3 myhomes.home3
/sethome3 myhomes.sethome3

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 1.64 KB / Downloads: 573)
Thanks given by: wognovice , Antonio , ter000
Please update it:

[18:22:24] cPluginManager.AddHook(): Deprecated format used, use cPluginManager.AddHook(HOOK_TYPE, CallbackFunction) instead. Fixing the call for you.
[18:22:24] Stack trace:
[18:22:24] [C](-1): AddHook
[18:22:24] Plugins/MyHomes/main.lua(15): (no name)
[18:22:24] Stack trace end
[18:22:24] Initialized MyHomes v.1
Thanks given by:
Upps a hook problem. It's easy to fix. I'll update this when I get on the computer.

This is strange. Home coords are not changed.

Maybe it has something to do with MCServer. I can set home once, but then it doesn't change.

Should be fixed, with no bugs.
Anyway, I think I'll rewritte it, bacause base code is from supertransformer, and I think I can do infinite homes.
Thanks given by: Antonio
Alright thanks! Also do limited homes if you are going to rewrite it Smile Because i would like to add different privileges to multiple groups.
Thanks given by:
You could use BearHomes, but I don't know if it supports multiworld.
Thanks given by: Antonio
I will use your plugin. It looks good enough Smile
Thanks given by: tonibm19

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