will you finish the redstone? becouse not everything is inplented yet :S redstone torches should power a block above it and sometimes the simulater is a bit slow :S buttons and levers aren't working ether Sad.
and for an long time the minecraftwiki says that MC-Server is the only non java server that supports redstone (partial)
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Well, it supports redstone partially, so the wiki is technically correct. I'd say for a partial support we're doing great Smile What grieves me more is the absence of railroad functionality.
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but there is no c++ (or another non java) server for minecraft that supports redstone Sad
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Sorry man, MCServer is pretty much on the bottom of the list with things I need to do
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ok Sad
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I honestly don't understand what on earth happened with redstone - from all the videos and images that I've seen of old MCS, redstone was working and updating fine.

Now it's near completely broken.

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