Redstone Simulator Rewrite
Well, it updates, but not if you power the block beneath a torch. Torch turns off, but the redstone is still powered.
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Let me clarify: If you power a torch with itself, then it does not flicker on and off like it does in vanilla
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I expect our redstone ticks are equal to game ticks, too? Vanilla has one redstone ticks per *two* game ticks. This could be probably easily done by simulating only on even game ticks and bailing out quickly on odd game ticks.
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Ehh the redstone goes further then 15 blocks.
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Yes, I believe that we have redstone ticks equal to normal ticks.

Wire powers farther than 15 blocks? It a featureTongue
Thanks given by: tonibm19
(11-20-2013, 06:30 AM)tigerw Wrote: Wire powers farther than 15 blocks? It a featureTongue

Yea lets break all the stuff that only works because redstone can only travel further then 15 blocksTongue
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There are still stuff that could be improved though:
[Image: 5nR3i.jpg]
[Image: 5nR6F.jpg]
[Image: 5nR5y.jpg]
[Image: 5nR49.jpg]
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Repeaters don't work? D:
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#1: That's fine, going to be fixing that bug
#2: That will be sometime after #1, it happens because wire doesn't power the block under it.
#3: Repeaters do work, just there seems to be some issues with wire -> repeater or repeater -> repeater -> repeater; investigating
#4: I have no idea about that, but there are some bugs with wire, those I will fix. Perhaps you could try updating the wire manually?
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tigerw Wrote:Perhaps you could try updating the wire manually?
Yea that works but we want it to update automaticly right? Smile
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