GPU code
Two things, one did you install the AMD SDK? Two is the value of OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIR NOT-FOUND? if so you need to set it.
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Do I need the AMD SDK if I have an NVidia?
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If you've got an NVIDA card you need the cuda toolkit but I haven't tried building with that.
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Now doing Biomal Without the linear interpolation at 1ms a chunk.
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Cool Is that better than before?
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Haven't checked. One thing is that it is only using 65% of the GPUs capability. If we implemented batching it would double throughput.

What I'm trying to do is implement OpenCl for all the height Generators where it makes sense so I can change the interface when using openCl.
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Did test with the mountains height Gen. Using OpenCL is 75% slower then using the CPU generator. I suspect that this is due to the huge latency at start-up, about 450 microseconds ~ 500,000 CPU cycles. If I can move more things on to the GPU and make the generator asynchronous I should be able to remove that from the throughput though.
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But the HeightGen isn't really the bottleneck is it?
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Cant build your branch with thr NV cuda sdk, because it don't got a "cl.hpp" included. Sad
Even the CUDA SDK 3.1 (with open cl ? 1.1 ? support)
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Did you set the OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIR and OPENCL_LIBRARY_PATH vars? It may be cmake can't find cuda.

@STR_Warrior, no but if part of the pipeline is on the CPU and part GPU it will cause latencies so I need to transfer most parts of the pipeline.
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